Cell Phone Policy

PS 100 Cell Phone Policy 2024-2025

In accordance with the NYC Department of Education Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, we are implementing the following cell phone policy at PS 100x to ensure a conducive learning environment for all students.


Students are not permitted to use any personal cell phones or personal electronic devices during the school day.


If a personal cell phone and/or electronic device is brought to school, it must be handed in to school staff for the day.  


For Grades 4&5, students will store their cell phones in Yondr Pouches.  These Kevlar pouches magnetically store the phone and will be unlocked at the end of the day.  The student can hold their own phone, but will not be able to use it.


In Grades 3K - 3, students will hand the cell phone into a special collection area which will be locked up for the day.  Phones will be returned at the end of the day. 


*We will eventually have Yondr Pouches for all students.  


Restricted Devices:

  • iPhone Watches and Android Watches are not permitted.
  • Handheld game devices are not permitted.
  • Personal laptops and/or iPads are not permitted.


Permitted Use:

  • Students are allowed to bring cell phones; they are not permitted to be used at all during the school day.
  • Upon arrival, all cell phones must be turned off and handed to designated school staff at the designated storage bins/Yondr Pouches
  • Cell phones will be securely stored until the end of the school day to ensure students are not distracted during instructional time.
  • Cell phones will be returned to students at dismissal by designated staff.


Emergency Situations:

  • In case of an emergency, a Robo call/text will be sent to all families via NYCDOE Messaging (GAMA) and ClassDojo. Cell phones will be returned to students, and they will be allowed to use them to contact parents/guardians.
  • School administration will notify students when cell phone use is permissible during emergency situations.
  • If you have a personal emergency and need to contact your child, please call the main office at 718-842-1461.


Disciplinary Actions:

  • Confiscation and return of electronic items
  • School-based policies must describe the procedures for the confiscation, storage, and return of electronic devices. In determining whether to confiscate an electronic device, schools should consider the nature of the violation. Where appropriate, measures should be instituted in a progressive fashion. Such measures may include, but are not limited to:
    • Warnings
    • Confiscation of item and return at end of school day
    • Confiscation of item and return following parent conference
    • Confiscation of item and return following student entering into a behavioral contract
    • Revocation of privilege to bring items to school

Students who use cell phones, computing devices, and/or portable music/entertainment systems in violation of any provision of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor Regulation A-413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“ISUSP”) will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.



  • The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.
  • Students are encouraged to label their devices and keep them secure at all times.


Parent/Guardian Support: 

We ask parents and guardians to discuss the importance of following this policy with their children and to support the school in its implementation. Your cooperation is crucial in helping us maintain a focused and respectful learning environment.


We appreciate your understanding and adherence to this policy. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office at 718-842-1461.


Thank you for your cooperation.